Privacy Notice
North Ayrshire Housing Register Privacy Policy Statement
North Ayrshire Housing Register is a partnership operating the Housing Register in this area, it gathers and processes information about you so that services you request in relation to housing can be delivered effectively and efficiently. We regard your privacy as important and all employees who have access to your personal data, or are associated with the handling of that data, are obliged to comply with the Data Protection Act. The following Privacy Statement details how we will look after your information.
Each partner is responsible for managing information securely.
Privacy statements for the partners can be found in the following locations
Cunninghame Housing Association
Irvine Housing Association
North Ayrshire Council
What is personal data?
This is information about a living person that means we can work out who they are, such as:
- name
- address
- phone number
- date of birth
- bank details
This can include written letters, emails, photographs audio recordings and video recordings.
Some data is called special category which is more sensitive, and we must look after it more carefully. This includes details of:
- ethnic origin
- religious beliefs
- sexual orientation
- trade union membership
- health data
- biometric and genetic data (e.g. fingerprints, facial recognition, DNA)
Why we collect, store and use data
We need to use your personal data to get in touch with you and deliver services. We use your data to:
- provide housing services and anything we must do by law
- Identify and stop fraud
- listen to your ideas about our services
Requesting personal information
When we ask you for information we will:
- make sure you know why we need it and ask for only what is needed
- protect your personal information and make sure nobody has access to it who shouldn’t
- take proportionate steps to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information
- inform you if we share it with any other organisations unless the law allows us to share it without consent
- ensure we do not keep your personal information for longer than is necessary
- not make your personal information available for commercial use without your permission
Providing personal information
It is expected when providing personal information that you:
- provide us with accurate information and
- Inform us as soon as possible if there are any changes to your personal information
This will ensure that your personal information is reliable and kept up to date.
Data matching
North Ayrshire Housing Register is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. More information can be found on the Council National Fraud Initiative page.
The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland has their own privacy notice
Your information rights.
For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, visit the Information Commissioner's website.
Changes to this privacy notice
We will keep our privacy notice under regular review. This notice was last updated on the 15th August 2019.