Prioritising Applications

Prioritising applications


The Council uses a group plus points scheme to prioritise applications and to allocate properties. We use a 'nomination' based allocation system where we match applicants to empty property in their areas of choice.

All applications for accommodation, from people aged 16 years old or over, will be assessed and placed in one of 7 groups. The table below sets out the groups and gives examples of those applicants who could be eligible to be placed in each group.

A summary of the North Ayrshire Allocation Policy is available here





Group 1


People who we have decided are homeless based on homelessness law and North Ayrshire Council’s homelessness policy

Group 2

Strategic housing needs

People who are not in group 1 but have a housing need because of the actions of one of the NAHR landlords or a public agency. For example, people living in houses that are going to be demolished by a NAHR landlord, young people who have been looked after by the local authority, people living in long-term hospital care or those who have been approved as foster carers. We may also place people in this group if they have urgent housing needs which are not mentioned in the policy.

Group 3

Accessibility Needs

People who are not in groups 1 or 2 and who have accessibility needs (e.g. need a ground floor or adapted property) as determined by a North Ayrshire Housing Occupational Therapist.

Group 4

Transfer Applicants

People who are not in groups 1, 2 or 3 and are tenants of the Council or Registered Social landlord tenant living within North Ayrshire

Group 5

Overcrowding (or large families)

People who are not in groups 1, 2, 3 or 4 but who considered to be living in overcrowded circumstances as defined by the North Ayrshire Housing Allocation Policy.

 Group 6

 General needs

We will place people who are not in groups 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in this group. The group includes those whose private-sector tenancy is being ended, whose home is being repossessed due to mortgage arrears. People with no recognised housing need will also be in this group.



To be placed in groups 3, 4 or 6, you must either live in North Ayrshire or meet the legal qualifying conditions if you live outwith North Ayrshire. Anyone living outwith North Ayrshire must:
• be employed, or have been offered a job in North Ayrshire;
• want to move into North Ayrshire to look for employment;
• want to move into North Ayrshire to be near a relative or carer;
• have special social or medical reasons for needing to live in North Ayrshire; or
• be suffering from harassment or domestic abuse.

 Group 7

 Relocation needs

We place all other people in group 7. These are people who live outwith North Ayrshire and do not meet the legal qualifying conditions.